Friday, September 30, 2005
Great News!

Heather and Andy are engaged and will be married May 20, 2006.
More good news...I found my long lost digi cam so I am once again stimulated to post.
No Rees, I didn't find the remote, nor did I find any lost socks. It was in the suitcase I took to C'Ville to move the younger HLS and to take the older HLS to Snowshoe to make wedding plans.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Business as Usual
Let's see...the former head of FEMA goes to work as a lobbist for Halliburton and since they've done such a good job in Iraq with only $1.03 billion in "questioned" costs, they become one of the first to get Katrina rebuilding contracts worth $30 million. In case you've forgotten Cheney was an Halliburton executive before he became Veep.
This tidy business reported first by POGO (Project on Government Oversight).
This tidy business reported first by POGO (Project on Government Oversight).
Friday, September 09, 2005
More Lies or Just Stoopid?
Time reports that the head of FEMA, Michael Brown, isn't even as qualified as he said he was when nominated by the Shrub in December, 2001.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
This is not a test!
Trust your life to the Department of Homeland Security? How about FEMA?
Trying to fly to Charleston, WV used to find one in Charleston, SC. Vice-Versa? Incredible. Twice even.
God bless those impacted by Katrina.
Trying to fly to Charleston, WV used to find one in Charleston, SC. Vice-Versa? Incredible. Twice even.
God bless those impacted by Katrina.